Tips for BJJ Life
Tips and advice on all things Jiu Jitsu, from how to tie your belt to how to improve your game.

how to Wash a Gi and Get Rid of “Permastank”
How to Wash a Gi Gi cleaning is not rocket science. You wash a Jiu Jitsu gi just like you would wash your other clothes: Put it in the washing…
How to Dry a Gi (Without Shrinking It)
There’s a lot of conflicting advice about how to wash and dry a Jiu Jitsu gi and whether or not you can put a gi in the dryer, and with…
10 Tips for Visiting another Jiu Jitsu Gym
Visiting a new BJJ school while on vacation or to consider joining can feel a little scary, especially for introverts like me, but over the past year I’ve come to…
What to Bring to A BJJ Competition (Printable Checklist)
Here’s a list of all the stuff I would take to a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competition. Don’t forget to pack these items in your gym bag! You can download a…
What to Eat Before Jiu Jitsu Class
Wondering what to eat before a Jiu Jitsu class to make sure you have enough energy to get through an intense workout without feeling nauseous? Struggling to fit a meal…
How to Soften a Stiff Martial Arts Belt
A brand new martial arts belt is stiff and that can make it difficult to tie. Here’s how to break in your brand new belt to make it more flexible….