& Musings
Here you’ll find articles where I share my perspective based on my personal experience of Jiu Jitsu.
Can Jiu Jitsu Help You Control Your Emotions?
If you often get frustrated and lose your temper and end up behaving in a way you regret or hurting people you love, you might be wondering if Brazilian Jiu Jitsu could help you get your emotions under control. In this article I’ll explore this idea and share my thoughts…
How Intense Does a Jiu Jitsu Class Need to Be?
Today I saw a post in a Facebook group for women in Jiu Jitsu from a brand new blue belt who is feeling discouraged because the day after receiving her promotion, her training partners (mostly men) started going a lot harder on her in their rolls, and with how physically…
Is Jiu Jitsu Spiritual in its Roots?
This article is written for Christians who have concerns that Jiu Jitsu may have a spiritual side that is in conflict with their beliefs. Having myself grown up as a devout Evangelical Christian Protestant, I understand these concerns. Christians don’t want to unknowingly (or knowingly) take part in anything that…
5 Jiu Jitsu Women Who Inspire Me
For years Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was a sport primarily dominated by men. Women who did train were often the only female at their gym. In recent years, BJJ has become much more popular with women. Most gyms have at least a few women, and many have strong women’s programs and…
Please, Stop Coaching Your BJJ Training Partners.
This is a bit of a rant, which isn’t normally my style, but one of my biggest pet peeves is being “coached” or given unsolicited advice by my training partners during Jiu Jitsu class. I know that people who do it are usually just trying to help, but it’s often…
The Importance Self-Advocacy in Jiu Jitsu
At the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym where I train we are often reminded about the importance of taking care of our training partner, but it’s equally important that we take care of ourselves. I’d like to share some thoughts about when and why women need to advocate for themselves when…
Thoughts I’ve Had Since Getting My Purple Belt in BJJ
I’ve had a mix of thoughts and feelings since my professor Steve Haydock awarded me my purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu last month (December 2023), so I thought I would blog about them in no particular order. Perhaps you can relate? Yay! I’m a purple belt! My first thought…